What is peace of mind?
Life is a harmony. When everything is in harmony it creates a magical music.
If that is not tuned right, the harmony is not heard and so is life.
The beauty of life is,
It is very simple to live with all its complexities,
only if you know how to operate and when to synchronize with harmony.
Only if you know to mute your ego, or operate it with awareness.
The complexities which I am talking here are not external. Be it the beauty of life or the ugly, they are from within.
When you are not happy, or not in peace, it becomes an obvious blame either on something or someone. But, how can someone or something can create pain and pleasure unless your own mind perceives the same way?
You must comprehend that all the convolutions of your life are within the self which you see as life.
So, to find solace and peace in life, you must find peace within yourself.
What is peace? Ask people
Many has their own assumptions and definitions for peace.
One might say, constructing a multi-storey building is his peace.
Another might say winning in a society finds him peace.
For some, finding a soul mate is peace. For others, good food every day is peace.
At some point, everyone tries to find peace one way or another. Some likes to reach the desire to find peace. If you know, reaching desire is, in a way getting rid of it. Desire federates mind very differently. Desire axis through karma.
As the karma gets strong so be the desire.
Hence is the struggle many faces to reach their desires either to feel complete or get rid of desire to move on. This is how Desire works.
Life is always about reaching and let go, until we know what is peace. Until we find the real peace, the pattern is followed.
Finding harmony within the self is a path to find solace. The body, mind-intellect emotions and the heart centre senses these where one must tune to find his harmony of life.
Mind-Body relationship is like a profound lover bond, so real yet an illusion. One must be mindful about its reality and the illusion as well.
In the real world, body is an instrument but it must be maintained to understand and work on your life, and karma. Body cannot be rejected so easily. Rejection happens out of ego. Acceptance happens out of wisdom. So, respecting the body is vital.
Mind is the very complex instrument of a human. Everything is attuned according to mind. All that the body goes through is because of mind. Even a small ailment in the body is nothing but the pain and suffering of the mind which is manifested in the body in a certain way.
Hence one must understand his own mind which is very much like understanding an ocean.
Is it easy to understand the massive ocean?
No. But you can accept the limitlessness of an ocean which is very much like your mind. You must accept the mind and detach yourself from it. It is one of the many ways you can see how the mind works.
How do you detach?
Few minutes of meditation can help you get a glimpse of what I am saying.
- Pull up a mat.
- Do some basic yoga stretches. Observe your breath as you inhale deeply and chant AUM while exhale.
- If your exhalation limit is 6 sec, then A..U.. can be chanted for the first 3 seconds and M alone for the next 3 seconds.
- Repeat the steps 2 & 3 for 5 mins. Observe. If you have felt that you were out of your mind at least for 2 mins, then that is the glimpse.
When we detach from mind, we detach from thoughts. Thoughts are the one that keeps you either in past or in future. Being in present brings solace in life.
We will talk more on peace.