Thursday 27 December 2012


Dear Balarishi,
There is a song in Tamil folklore which says, "Thousand flowers bloom in an untrodden Jungle. There are none to admire. Yet, why do they blossom?" .Would you please comment on this?

When this Universe came into existence, even when no other beings where there, flowers would have been there. As and when the five elements, namely earth, fire, water, wind and aakash came into existence, plants would have sprouted. So flowers are not here only for the human beings to see. They have a role and unique quality of their own. Bodhi has a distinct nature of wits on its own. Lotus has a very special nature, form and fragrance. So a jungle itself is a combination of such distinct identities.

In-fact, plants would have been the first and foremost in possessing distinct features and tendencies of their own. Some plants have the power to heal. Some plants do not have such traces. Some plants are poisonous in nature. In human qualities we are able to classify as Rajo guna, Thamo guna and Sathva guna. These different natures should have come to human from botanical species.

Man is asking why flowers blossomed in an untrodden jungle. It shows he hasn't even considered the presence of the flowers. He thinks the existence of human race is the only thing to be considered. Flowers have a powerful presence. They are able to powerfully communicate with the whole Universe and they relate themselves so well with the existence.

If you take the whole universe into account, the percentage of human race is very small. But man thinks the whole universe is made of him and made for him. Flowers blossom in bliss in an untrodden jungle. They are in communication and conversation with the beings which know the language of the flowers.

Basically, flowers are divine in nature. If you are happy by just seeing them, that itself is a proof of the divinity in them. As they are a part of certain spiritual processes they are the adhipathis of certain siddhis too.

If human mind wonders why flowers blossom in an untrodden jungle, it is just a projection of its ego. In-fact there is no place for human beings in the world of flowers. They never consider those who don’t realize their subtleness and tenderness. The very reason for their joy in untrodden jungle is that human beings don’t exist there. If human beings are allowed access into the private world of flowers they would even change the DNA of flowers. In a way doing research in the DNA is an innovation. But if it is done with plants it is nothing but intruding into their own natural process. Flowers blossom joyfully in untrodden jungles. They feel freedom and they are on their own at such places.

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