Thursday 24 January 2013


Dear Balarishi,
In last week`s discussion you said escapism in spirituality is something different and you would elaborate on this. Can you throw some light on this?
There are some people who use spirituality to hide their inabilities. If they lack confidence or talent, they claim to be spiritual so that they need not take up responsibilities of their own lives. Such people get exposed soon and they fail themselves in many ways. They   are miserable and also spread misery. Such people might have some temporary satisfaction of impressing few ignorant minds.
On the other hand there are some people who are loving and selfless by their own nature. They cannot confine themselves to smaller limits. Their vision and love is universal in nature and they cannot strive for petty needs like day to day life. Such people refrain from worldly life and live for bigger reasons. They are not escapists. In fact, they stand up for a greater cause and face the realities of life.
So if someone is escaping from world to hide their own inabilities that is escapism. On the other hand, if someone discovers a bigger purpose in life and opts to stay away from petty  commitments, this should not be mistaken to be escapism.

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