Thursday 20 June 2013


Dear Balarishi,
In last week`s discussion you had said there are few more spiritual attributes of snakes. Can you elaborate on it?

Astrology is one key area where the life map of each and every individual  comes to light. Among the doshas in a person`s birth chart, naaga dosha or raagu dosha are predominant. The planets Raaghu and Kethu are said to be in serpent forms. There are certain remedies to get rid of these doshas, in accordance with the karmic structure of people. This shows that the connection with serpents is something which continues from very many earlier births.

Kundalini energy is symbolised as a snake. In one way there is a snake into each one of us in an energy form. So snakes are connected with human in so many ways.

Apart from all these, if you see the materialistic life and spiritual life of a person one of the main barrier in these areas is fear. Yoga sutra lists out five afflictions (klesas) which are hindrances for human growth and fear is the major challenge among those klesas. Snake is an example of fearless nature. In whichever form there is fear you got to face it and eradicate its roots. Even if a big mass of people have gathered and a single snake is spotted in the crowd, the crowd starts to run away but the snake is fearless. There is a saying in tamil which says even a military force is threatened by the presence of a snake. Fearless nature is one of the key needs for spiritual growth and snakes represent that quality.

Today, killing certain animals are considered as criminal offence and rigid laws are made to prevent this. Snake is deeply connected with our tradition, spirituality and ecology. Out of insecurity and being unaware human beings might do away very rare species of snakes. So killing snakes should also be declared as a criminal offence. This will be of more help rather than just being curious through know about snakes.

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